Leading Contractor firm achieves tight control on project progress ensuring adherence to timelines & budget.
Contractor running 2 prestigious projects (commercial & mixed-use projects) for a Navratna Enterprise. FalconBrick system implemented on both projects
- Large scale of Construction with tight timelines
- Monitoring of multiple sub-contractors
- Critical focus on MEP Services
Project Coverage
- Complete project coverage from substructures to handove
- Buildings (Internal & External), Basement (Structures & MEP Finishes)
Solution Deployed
- Maker-Checker workflows with separate focus on Survey/Quality/MEP
- Inbuilt Process- flows & sequencing to ensure high levels of Quality
Key Deliverables
- Remote monitoring of Progress and Budgeted timeline / cost
- Standardized processes and reporting across projects
How FalconBrick helped
- Budget vs actual (quantities) – Month-wise tracking of actual work completion against a set “budget” of construction activities to be completed in the month
- Budget vs actual (cost) – Tracking of Budgeted vs Actual cost of construction. Here, the system generates Required Run-Rates to meet the schedule
Leading Contractor firm achieves tight control on project progress ensuring adherence to timelines & budget.